
Thursday, 21 April 2016

Change placeholder text of Search box in Magento homepage

How to change placeholder Text in Search box of magento2

To change the text (earch entire store) that appear in Magento search box on home page.
You need to edit the following file.

 You will find the file in the following location :
Magento install directory\vendor\magento\module-search\view\frontend\templates

I.E. If your magento2 is installed in wamp which is installed in "D" drive than the path to the magento install directory is

 "www" being the folder you have installed the magento.
than the path to the form.mini.phtml will be


open the "form.mini.phtml"

Find this line:                       
      placeholder="<?php /* @escapeNotVerified */ echo __('Search entire store here...'); ?>
(probably around line 32)

And replace the text  "Search entire store here..." with anything you like

Thank you


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  2. This is not the right way to do so, place the string Search entire store here... in a translation file.

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